Jesus of Nazareth


Timeline of Jesus, son of Mary and Joseph of Nazareth, from his birth around year 4 BC to his crucifixion and death in about the year 30 AD.


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A complete timeline of Jesus’ life that shows his early life and later itinerant preaching activities. Jesus drew much public attention, both from the authorities and the people of 1st century Galilee and Judea.

The timeline of Jesus includes both personal and public events. The most notorious events relating to Jesus’s life are about his birth and death. Many but poorly known events surround Jesus troublesome and undated birth. In contrast, Jesus well-known last week in Jerusalem is known as the Passion Week. Jesus Passion Week led to his trial and following death sentence by crucifixion.

For historical context, the timeline of Jesus includes a complete list of authorities: The Roman Emperors, the Herodian kings, and the governors and prefects in the Roman Province of Judea. Jewish-Roman conflicts in Roman Galilee and Judea are included too, such as the Destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70 AD.

The Jesus timeline extends up to the 2nd Century AD and covers Early Church events in the Roman Empire.

This timeline provides links to access articles in the Encyclopedia Britannica, the World History Encyclopedia, Wikipedia and also

For more information and historical context, see the Roman Empire timeline.


For each event, links are provided to access online articles, primary sources and related history timelines.

Online Articles

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